Harvard Business Review - Spring Special Issue

Harvard Business Review is one of the world's leaders in management publication. The vast majority of his articles and studies are based on management and leadership, long-term strategy, personal negotiation skills, marketing, and organization, all applicable to business students, professors, and professionals at all levels of their careers.

04. Rebounding from Career Setbacks - Fix 2 copy.jpg

In this Special Issue, Spring 2021, Harvard Business Review provides a selection of its rigorous insights centered on career advice for these tough times. Many companies and employees worldwide have been affected because of the pandemic that we are experiencing since 2020, so the magazine offers these tools and strategies to its readers for best practices to lead themselves and their organizations more effectively towards the exit from the current crisis.

It was gratifying to work with the dedicated team of HBR and be commissioned to graphically translate articles by these influential authors. In the five colorful assigned Illustrations, you will find concepts based on professional situations where the reader will feel empathy or reflected by the characters or topics represented, always playing with the surreal and pop twists that characterize my graphic style.

05. Making Yourself Indispensable - Fix.jpg
01. How to Protect Your Job in a Recession-Fix 2.jpg
03. Give Yourself a Break The Power of Self Compassion - 031121 2.jpg
02. Turn the Job You Have into the Job You Want-FINAL.jpg

"Harvard Business Review Special Issues are timely, single-theme collections of HBR articles written by some of the world's leading management scholars and practitioners. HBR editors handpick each article for its relevance and insight. To help busy leaders quickly absorb and apply the concepts, these collections also include short "Idea in Brief" summaries." - HBR

Published by Harvard Business Publishing, this wholly-owned subsidiary of Harvard University, reaches 340,000 subscribers and newsstand buyers publishing, while also has an average of 7 million unique visitors each month to HBR.org (According to 2019 statistics).

The Special Issue, Spring 2021, is available on the Harvard Business Review official website.